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much as i should like to

  • 1 olmak

    ",-ur 1. to become, come to exist, come into being. 2. to happen, occur, be, take place. 3. to be (to have or occupy a place or position; to show a certain characteristic): Beşte orada olmalıyım. I ought to be there at five o´clock. Cesur olmalısın. You should be bold. 4. to have (used with possessives): Param olsaydı alırdım. If I´d had the money, I´d have bought it. Benim o semtte bir evim olmalı. I ought to have a house in that part of town. 5. (for time) to pass, elapse, be: Oraya gideli iki yıl oldu. It´s been two years since he went over there. 6. (for something) to be acceptable, be all right, be okay: Olur mu öyle? Can (something like) that be okay? Olur! Okay! Olmaz! No! 7. to ripen; (for food) to be cooked, be done. 8. /a/ (for an article of clothing) to fit. 9. /dan/ to lose, be deprived of: Canından oldu. He lost his life. Kumar yüzünden servetinden oldu. She lost her fortune by gambling. 10. to catch (a disease): Tifo oldu. He caught typhoid fever. 11. to undergo (something): Ameliyat oldu. He underwent an operation. Ahmet yarın imtihan olacak. Ahmet will take an exam tomorrow. 12. /a/ (for something) to be a source of (something) to (someone): Bu ilacın ona çok yararı oldu. This medicine has really helped her. 13. slang to get drunk: Sen bayağı oldun. You´re as drunk as a lord. Oldu. colloq. All right./OK./Very well./Agreed. -la beraber/birlikte although: Parlak bir zekâsı olmamakla beraber para kazanmasını biliyor. He´s no whiz kid, but he does know how to make money. olan/olup biten all (the events) that took place. olup bitmek to happen, take place. olduğu gibi 1. as (one) is, as (it) is: İnsanları olduğu gibi kabul etmelisin. You should accept people as they are. 2. as it (they) happened: Her şeyi olduğu gibi anlatacağım. I will explain everything as it happened. 3. besides being..., in addition to being...; besides having..., in addition to having...: Hasta olduğu gibi, yoksul da. Besides being sick, he is poor. olduğu kadar 1. besides being...; besides having...: Oda küçük olduğu kadar, karanlık da. Besides being small, the room is dark. 2. as much as possible: Hepsini bitirmek zorunda değilsin, olduğu kadar yap. You don´t have to finish it all; do what you can. Olan oldu. What´s done is done. olup olacağı all: Bendeki paranın olup olacağı bu kadar. This is all the money I´ve got on me. Onun olup olacağı bir köy muhtarı. He´ll never be anything more than the mayor of a village. Olup olacağımız toprak mı? Are we nothing more than dust? oldum bittim/oldum olası/oldum olasıya for as long as anyone can remember, from time immemorial, always. oldu olmadı It´s been just about...: Bu işe başlayalı on yıl oldu olmadı. It´s been just about ten years since he began this job. olmak üzere 1. being: İşyerimizde, ikisi Fransız olmak üzere, yirmi eleman var. In our firm we have twenty personnel, two of whom are French. 2. to be on the point of being: Kahven olmak üzere. Your coffee´s just about ready. olur olmaz 1. just any old, whatever, any... that: Olur olmaz her kitabı okuma! Don´t read any old book you happen to see! 2. at random, without thinking: Olur olmaz konuşma! Don´t just talk whenever you feel like it. "

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > olmak

  • 2 ne

    "1. What...?: Ne dedin? What did you say? 2. What a...!/How...! (used as an intensifier before adjectives): Ne biçimsiz bir masa! What an ugly table! Ne soğuk! How cold it is! 3. whatever: Ahmet ne yaparsa Ayşe beğenir. Ayşe approves of whatever Ahmet does. 4. What...?: Bu ne kutusu? What´s this box for? Yarın ne dersin var? What lesson do you have tomorrow? 5. used as an intensifier: Dün rüzgâr ne esti ha! Yesterday the wind blew like all get-out. 6. used to express approval or disapproval: Bu ne kıyafet böyle? And just what sort of getup is this? Bu dünyada ne anneler var! This old world has some pretty wonderful/awful mothers in it! -ler used to indicate a quantity of things: Daha neler gördük, neler! We saw lots and lots of other things as well! Neler öğrendin? What things have you learned? -si used to show a connection: Sen İsmet´in nesisin? How are you kin to İsmet? O adam buranın nesi? What´s that man´s position here? -sine? What on earth does he need... for?: Otomobil onun nesine? What on earth does he need a car for? Altın kolye onun nesine? What on earth is she doing with a gold necklace? - akla hizmet ediyor? Why on earth is he doing such a thing? - âlâ! How nice! - âlâ memleket! What a fine kettle of fish!/What a wonderful state of affairs! (said sarcastically). - âlem used to express a feeling of astonishment tempered with affection: Ne âlem adam! What a crazy guy! O kadın ne âlemdir bir bilsen! That gal´s a character, I can tell you! - âlemdesiniz? How are things with you? - alıp veremiyor? 1. What is it he wants?/What´s he after? 2. /la/ What´s the problem between...?: Onunla ne alıp veremiyorsun? What´s the problem between you and her? (...) - arar! /da/ (Someone) is completely lacking in (something).: Onda para ne arar! He´s never got two cents to rub together. (Burada/Orada) - arıyor? What´s he doing here/there?/What does he want? - biçim used to show disapproval: Ne biçim adam yahu! What a jerk! Ne biçim sözlük! And this thing´s supposed to be a dictionary! - buyurdunuz? What did you say? - buyurulur? /a/ 1. What do you say to...?/What would you say to a...?: Soğuk bir limonataya ne buyurulur? What do you say to a cold lemonade?/Would you like a cold lemonade? 2. What do you have to say to...? (said tauntingly). - canı var ki? How can he do that? (He´s not got the physical strength.) - çare! What can one do?/It´s a hopeless situation. - çıkar? 1. What difference will it make one way or the other? 2. What´ll come of it? (Nothing!). 3. What can I/you expect to get out of it? - çiçektir biliriz. colloq. I know what a bad lot he is./I know just how nocount he is./I´ve got his number. - de olsa nevertheless, nonetheless. - dedim de...? Why on earth (didn´t I do something)?: Ne dedim de sana haber vermedim? Why on earth didn´t I inform you? - demek? 1. What does it mean?: Bu ne demek? What does this mean? 2. Just what does it mean? (said angrily): Ders ekmek ne demek? Just what do you mean by cutting a class? - demeye...? 1. Why...?: Buraya ne demeye geldin? Why have you come here? 2. used when questioning the meaning of something: O sözü ne demeye getirdi? Just what did she mean by that remark? -ler de neler, maydanozlu köfteler all manner of strange and outlandish things. - denir?/- dersin? colloq. What can you say?/There´s nothing you can say. - denli 1.... how much.... 2. However much.... 3. My, how...! - dersin? colloq. What do you think? - dese beğenirsin? colloq. You´ll never guess what he said to me./You won´t believe what he said to me./Just guess what she said!/Guess what she called me! - diye...? Why...?/For what purpose...?: Ne diye ben gideyim? Why should I be the one to go? Ne diye gideyim? What´s the point in my going?/For what purpose am I to go? - ekersen onu biçersin. proverb You reap what you sow. - fayda! colloq. What good can that do now?/What´s the good of it now?/It´s too late for that now. (...) - gezer! see ne arar! - gibi...? Wha

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > ne

  • 3 su

    ",-yu 1. water. 2. juice. 3. sap. 4. body of water; stream; river; lake; sea. 5. broth; gravy. 6. temper (of steel). 7. embroidery running pattern. (...) -larında about, around: saat altı sularında around six o´clock. elli sularında about fifty years old. - almak 1. to leak, admit water. 2. (for a boat) to leak, take in water. -yunu almak /ın/ to drain the water from (cooked vegetables). - arkı irrigation ditch. -da balık satmak to make an empty promise. - basmak /ı/ for water to flood (a place). - baskını flood. -yun başı 1. source, spring, fountain. 2. place from which one gains the greatest profits or benefits. 3. person who holds the greatest authority and bears the greatest responsibility. -yu baştan/başından kesmek to tackle a problem at its root. - birikintisi puddle. -da boğulmak to be drowned. -ya boğulmak to be flooded with water. - bölümü çizgisi geog. watershed, water parting. -yu bulandırmak to throw a monkey wrench into something that´s going well. - cenderesi hydraulic press. - çarpmak /a/ to give (one´s face) a quick, splashy wash. - çekmek 1. to draw water (from a well or cistern). 2. to absorb water. -yunu çekmek 1. for the liquid in (something being cooked) to boil away. 2. (for money) to be spent, run out. -yu çekilmiş değirmene dönmek 1. (for a place) to become as silent as a tomb, become like a morgue. 2. to become completely useless. -dan çıkmış balığa dönmek to be in a daze, not to know what to do or which way to turn. - değirmeni water mill. - dökmek to urinate, pass water, make water. - dökünmek to take a quick bath (by dousing oneself with water). -ya düşmek 1. to fail, come to nothing. 2. to fall into the water. - etmek/yapmak (for a ship) to leak, take in water. -dan geçirmek /ı/ 1. to wash (laundry) quickly and carelessly. 2. to rinse (laundry). - gibi 1. like water. 2. easily, smoothly. 3. fluently. - gibi akmak 1. (for time) to pass very quickly. 2. /a/ (for money) to be made by (a person or place) in great quantities. - gibi aziz ol! Thank you very much indeed (for bringing me water to drink)! - gibi bilmek /ı/ to know (something) perfectly, have (something) down pat. - gibi ezberlemek /ı/ to memorize (something) perfectly. - gibi gitmek (for money) to be spent like water. - gibi okumak /ı/ to read quickly and faultlessly. - gibi terlemek to sweat heavily. -yuna/-yunca gitmek /ın/ not to go counter to (someone); not to cross (someone), to comply with (someone´s) wishes. -yu görmeden paçaları sıvamak to count one´s chickens before they´re hatched. - (yüzü) görmemiş very dirty (face, hands). -ya göstermek /ı/ to give (something) a quick wash. - götürmez indisputable. - götürür yeri olmamak /ın/ for there to be nothing more to be said about (a matter). -ya götürür, susuz getirir. colloq. He´s a master hoodwinker. - içene yılan bile dokunmaz. proverb It´s wrong to attack a person while he´s drinking water, even if he is one´s enemy. - içinde easily, at least. - içinde kalmak to sweat heavily, sweat buckets. - içmek gibi very easy, as easy as taking candy from a baby. - kaçırmak 1. to leak. 2. slang to annoy, bother, give someone a headache. - kaldırmak (for something being cooked) to absorb water. - kapmak (for a wound) to get infected, fester. -lar kararmak to get dark (in the evening). - katılmamış real, in every sense of the word, through and through. -yu kesilmiş değirmene dönmek (for a place) to get quiet, for all noise (in a place) to cease. - kesimi naut. draft line; water line. -yu kesiyor. It´s so blunt it won´t cut anything (said of a knife). - kesmek to become very watery; to ooze a lot of water or juice. - kireci hydraulic lime. - korkusu hydrophobia, morbid dread of water. - koyuvermek 1. (for something) to ooze a lot of water (while being cooked). 2. slang to become impudent, overstep the mark, spoil the fun by going too far. - küçüğün, söz/sofra büyüğün. proverb At mealtime the children should be the ones who get water

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > su

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